
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Motif - Several Belief

Sinh Mii Khor (Tupe skirt with Dot Ikat motif), from Phuan Ethnic, a skirt of simple design that holds special meaning for the woman who wears it. It is said that ones body consists of hundreds of different Spirits counting from the hair down to the toes. The Spirit occasionally remains on the body whilst others rest on the clothes. Whenever one of the Spirits gets lost the body will become sick.  Therefore to keep the Woman and the Spirit healthy and safe, women weave the Mii Khor to wear themselves. Each Khor (dot) of the design represents a resting place for each Spirit. Below is a description of some of the spirits residing in people:

30 spirits on the front of the body
50 spirits on the back of the body
Spirits of all the toes and fingers, including spirits of the fourth and fifth digits side by side
The main spirit of the body at the crown of the head, and spirits of back of the head and forehead
The spirit of vigorously growing things
The spirit of longevity
The spirit of the lips that know what to take in
The spirit of mouth that knows what to eat
The spirit that blows on ears and eyes so they can hear and see
The spirit of broad vision and farseeing

The red dots on the main piece

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