
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lao women wearing Sinh

From many centuries In Lao history silk fabric has been valued and traded as gold and was often the most treasured of gifts for the Royal courts and rulers of the Kingdom.

During Tang Dynasty of China (618-906 AD) there was a note in Chinese history referring to Lao, as Nong Sae Kingdom, admiring the skill of the Lao people in raising silk worms, and perfecting silk fabric as smooth fine product with beautiful colours, the note also told about Chinese merchants who came to Laos for trading. Exchange of Lao silk with the goods from China.  And Lao women were described as wearing the sinh, the high ranking women wore sinh made of silk with silk waist band.

Lao women identify their Sinh in thousands way, related to technique and to material used, associated to people who weave and wear, and linked to motif, below are some of the names:
sinh Mii (ikat)
sinh Muk (supplementary warp)
sinh Kor or sinh chok (discontinuous supplementary weft)
sinh khid (continuous supplementary weft)
sinh korm (twisted weft yarns)
sinh tiin seo (embroidery hem)
sinh tiin tam Nae (compound weave hem weaving with no comb)
sinh khan (vertical stripe)
sinh kaan (horizontal stripe)
sinh thalan (horizontal stripe with white ikat)
sinh paa pan ((horizontal stripe with different colour ikat but not white)
sinh saimor (horizontal stripe)
sinh maan (horizontal stripe with white ikat and supplementary)
sinh Kaan ngouang (horizontal stripe with supplementary and with no Ikat)
sinh ling (hem and waist band attached to Ling silk fabric from China)
sinh tiin khid (hem supplementary weft)
sinh Tiin soung (large hem)
sinh tiin talat (large horizontal supplementary band hem)
sinh hua bouan (special design at the waistband)
sinh ael khai (special design at the waistband) Ael means waist
sinh tai Nam Noen (refer to people who live along Nam Noen river)
sinh phuan tai Khang (refer to people who live at Khang District)
sinh Lue (refer to Lue ethnic)
sinh Fai (refer to cotton material)
sinh Mai (refer to silk material)
sinh Mai Kham (refer to golden tread yarn)
   sinh Mai Ngeun (refer to silver tread yarn)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Miss Laos 2011

"Women from Lao Ancient Literature"
is the concept of costume for Miss Laos 2011,
by Viengkham, Phaeng Mai Gallery.

* Lao traditional evening dresse wearing 5 winners at the end of the show
are by Chinda, and Ammalinh Lao Silk.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lao Grand Fashion Show / Lao Handicraft Festival 2011

Celebration Lao Kimono Project,
Supported by JETRO.  
at Lao Handicraft Festival 2011
19-23 Oct. 2011


Phaeng Mai's
at Lao Grand Fashion Show

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lao Kimono Project Exhibition, Kyoto, 6th -9th September 2011.

Phaeng Mai Gallery is pleased to invite you to the exhibition,

“Lao Kimono Project Exhibition”

Organized by JETRO, Japan External Trade Organization

at KOMS Hall, zip600-8009 Kyoto-sanngyo-kaikann 5F
Shijyodori muromachi higashi-iru, Shimogyo-ku,
from 6th -9th September 2011.

Your company will be our great pleasure.

Friday, August 19, 2011

ASEAN Textile Exhibition 아세안 섬유전시회

 Phaeng Mai Gallery cordially invites you to the Exhibition

“ Seoul International Textile Fair 2011”
아세안 특별 전시관 (대한민국 섬유 교역전 2011)

at Hall B, COEX (코엑스 B홀), ASEAN Pavilion
from 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2011